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Fornasetti Behang Collectie Cole and Son
Fornasetti behang collectie i.s.m. Cole and Son is zoals de naam al doet vermoeden een prachtige collectie van Fornasetti behang papier i.s.m. het Engelse behangpapier merk Cole and Son. In deze collectie vindt u schitterende nieuwe kleuren van geliefde dessins als Frutto Proibito, Acquario, Ex Libris, Macchine Volanti, Chiavi Segrete, Mediterranea, Nuvole Al Tramonto, Malachite en méér.
Deze nieuwe Fornasetti behang collectie is een schitterende aanvulling op de eerder uitgebrachte collectie Foransetti 2 van Cole and Son.
Wij zijn Fornasetti behang dealer en helpen u graag met het maken van de juiste keuze.
Bezig met laden...
Fornasetti Ex Libris Behang
Fornasetti Malachite Behang
Fornasetti Malachite Behangpapier
Fornasetti Mediterranea Behang
Fornasetti Behang Mediterranea
Fornasetti Behang Chiavi Segrete
Fornasetti Chiavi Segrete Behang
Fornasetti Chiavi Segrete Behang
Fornasetti Soli Behang
Fornasetti Soli Behang
Fornasetti Soli Behang
Fornasetti Soli Behang
Fornasetti Foglie e Scimmie Behang
Fornasetti Foglie e scimmie Behang
Fornasetti Foglie e scimmie Behang
Fornasetti Foglie e Scimmie Behang
Fornasetti Soli Behang
Fornasetti Foglie e scimmie Behang
Fornasetti Foglie e civette Behang
Fornasetti Foglie e civette Behang
Fornasetti Foglie e civette Behang
Fornasetti Foglie e civette Behang
Fornasetti Foglie e civette Behang
Fornasetti Soli e Nuvole Behang
Fornasetti Soli e Nuvole Behang
Fornasetti Soli e Nuvole Behang
Fornasetti Soli e Nuvole Behang
Fornasetti Soli e Nuvole Behang
Fornasetti Soli e Nuvole Behang
Fornasetti Vista Mediterranea Behang
Fornasetti Vista Mediterranea Behang
Fornasetti Vista Mediterranea Behang
Fornasetti Vista Mediterranea Behang
Fornasetti Cammei Behang
Fornasetti Cammei Behang
Fornasetti Cammei Behang
Fornasetti Cammei Behang
Fornasetti Cammei Behang
Fornasetti Cammei Behang
Fornasetti Conchiglie Behang
Fornasetti Conchiglie Behang
Fornasetti Conchiglie Behang
Fornasetti Conchiglie Behang
Fornasetti Conchiglie Behang
Additional information:
Piero Fornasetti (1913 – 1988) - A Milanese painter, sculptor, interior decorator, engraver of books and a creator of more than 11,000 products, Fornasetti was one of the most prolific designers of the 20th century. During his career he created a colourful and witty visual vocabulary that is instantly recognizable and unceasingly engaging.
Barnaba Fornasetti - Fornasetti’s son, Barnaba, is perpetuating the Fornasetti tradition by continuing to produce and revive Fornasetti designs. At the helm of the company and its creative heart, Barnaba is the custodian of his father’s legacy. An abundance of important motifs have emerged from the Fornasetti archive thanks to Barnaba’s skilful tenacity and dedication.
FORNASETTI PROFUMI - Fornasetti conveys a sense of the poetic and magical through its depiction of a dream world filled with whimsical humour. The ‘Fornasetti Profumi per la Casa’ collection brings this unique world to life through a selection of hand crafted and scented decorative objects.
COLE & SON FORNASETTI PROFUMI ‘TEATRO’ SCENTED CANDLE - The product of collaboration between Cole & Son and Fornasetti Profumi, the Teatro scented candle is perfumed with Fornasetti’s signature ‘Otto’ fragrance. Decorated with the classic ‘Teatro’ design, boxes at an opera house occupied by elegant theatre-goers in evening dress. This motif was originally used by Piero in the Fifties on an umbrella stand, and has since been used on fabric and neckties. Now as a perfumed candle this wonderfully covetable scented decorated object, is a witty and flamboyant piece, perfectly in keeping with the spirit of Fornasetti and closely matching the ‘Teatro’ design in the new Cole & Son Fornasetti wallpaper collection.
Cole & Son's langdurige artistieke samenwerking met Fornasetti vangt het fantasierijke universum van het Italiaanse atelier in een set sfeervolle behangen die de "tijdloze" essentie belichamen waarop het Milanese merk zijn identiteit heeft gebouwd. Oprichter Piero Fornasetti zei dat hij niet geloofde in "tijdperken en data" en weigerde resoluut "labels" en categorieën, om de creativiteit vrij te laten stromen voorbij de grenzen van discipline en tijd.
Fornasetti behang collectie is.m. Cole and Son is hier verkrijgbaar.